
Compassion In the New Testament there are several Greek words that may be translated, and sometimes are, by our English word “compassion.” Although they may sometimes be synonyms, they have nuances  that distinguish them.  Eleeos refers to the mercy one Read More …

Not My Will

NOT MY WILL The apostle John in his Gospel emphasizes the arrest of Jesus in the garden, which we know from other sources was called Gethsemane. The calmness, even the willingness of our Lord to be taken into custody, knowing Read More …

Going To Court With Brethren

A COMMENTARY ON FIRST CORINTHIANS 6:1-8 Introduction    The plan of this series of three studies is as follows: In this first section, I shall set forth some observations on the meaning of 1 Cor 6:1-8. In the second section, Read More …

The New Normal

PARENTS LOVE YOUR CHILDREN There has seeped into the church culture a “new normal” concerning children “growing up Christian.” I say “new normal” because I can only imagine it has not been this way in past generations of believers. Nothing Read More …